Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Farmer's Market #7

Just one sweet picture for you today folks! I'm really happy about this basket because it has less squash and more eggplant. I made a stir fry with hoisin sauce that used the green beans, eggplant, squash and some peppers. I mixed it all up with some soba noodles and I think it turned out pretty great; Steve whole-heartedly agreed. The green beans were exceptional this week. Super tender and flavorful.

I also made a tomato stew with lots of tomatoes, green beans, some spinach I had in the fridge, peppers and some boca crumbles. I made it pretty spicy, just the way I like it. I served it with a salad made with the nice fresh lettuce we got and Newman's lite lime dressing. That dressing is currently my favorite thing, just edging out salsa verde for the top spot.

We have been getting 4-5 ears of corn every week and I haven't really figured out what to do with it besides serve it with butter/salt on the Cob. If any of you foodies out there have some corn suggestions- please suggest away!

Also, I ordered a food dehydrator from Amazon this week. I think it will be a good way to save a lot of the produce that we can't use up immediately. Fingers crossed that I get some tasty stuff!


  1. My dad has a big garden (like, bigger than my old house) and he always gives me a LOT of corn every summer. There is no way I can eat it all before it goes bad, so I freeze the majority of it. You can freeze it on the ears (shuck it first, though), or I like to cut the kernels off & freeze an ear or two in it's own baggie. I use it throughout the year for adding to soups or whatever, and it is sooo much better tasting than the crap you can buy at the market :)

  2. Lauren, I'm seriously jealous that you are getting a food dehydrator! I want one! Let me know how it goes!!!

  3. Eggplant is awesome! Corn is sometimes good on cornbread? That is more of a fall food though...

  4. Mmmm those veggies sound so good. You could make creamed corn, although I've never actually tried making it myself. I always buy the canned stuff (shame on me).
