Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Farmer's Market #9

August is drawing to a close and that means summer is ending. For me, that means fewer fresh veggies in the coming weeks. We have started to get the end of season crops. Gone are the squash and most of the tomatoes. But it's OK. I'm ready for the change. Plus, with such good stuff in my basket- why complain?

This week marked the first arrival of broccoli. The amount we were given wasn't enough for a full side dish so I just mixed it up with other veggies in a couscous. We got another acorn squash and a pumpkin. I'm hoping to roast them all this weekend and figure it out from there. We got one large eggplant this week which I'm pretty stoked about too.

Also, OKRA! Okra is my favorite and we got a nice little bagful this week. I cooked some up in a pasta dish and the rest I battered and fried up all southern like. Plus, I gave one of our green tomatoes the same treatment and it might be the most delicious thing I've cooked up this summer. Why do fried foods have to be so tasty?!


  1. You've got a good little haul right there!
    I have some acorn squash I need to cook up (my neighbor has a garden and brought over tons of veges).
    Have you tried acorn squash before?

  2. Fried okra is one of my favorite foods. I'm pretty sure I could eat it everyday.

  3. mmm looks delicious! i get this roasted pumpkin borani from an afghan restaurant by my work and its the best thing i could possibly eat. and i get it with fresh jalapenos and it kills me but its soooo good! you've inspired me to get more fresh veggies and be more creative in the kitch! now following you :)
    sharde @ the style projects
