Friday, August 24, 2012

Nashville Food Friday: Omni Hut

Have you ever gone to a place that was just so kitchy and such a throwback that you knew, even before you entered, that you would have a good time? Then may I introduce you to the wonders of Omni Hut, the one (and the first) Polynesian Tiki restaurant in the greater Nashville area. This place was built in 1960 and it appears nothing has changed. Neither the decor nor the menu. It is a time warp of epic proportions. The downside is it's in Smyrna, which is quite the drive from downtown Nashville. Especially during rush hour and even more so when you are hungry. Also, let me apologize for picture quality, as the entire restaurant is lit in black lights and other dark colors- rave style.

A review of Polynesian Tiki Restaurant Omni Hut in Smyrna Tennessee

A review of Polynesian Tiki Restaurant Omni Hut in Smyrna Tennessee

A review of Polynesian Tiki Restaurant Omni Hut in Smyrna Tennessee

The lobby is filled with Pacific Rim kitsch. Everything is bamboo or rattan and there is a tropical fish tank right by the door. Down the hall, there is an indoor water feature. The dining rooms are lit in black light with iridescent flowers on the wall. It's unbelievable. The wait staff wears bright floral dresses and they have leis if you choose to wear them.

A review of Polynesian Tiki Restaurant Omni Hut in Smyrna Tennessee

A review of Polynesian Tiki Restaurant Omni Hut in Smyrna Tennessee

I hate to say this, but the food takes a back seat to the ambiance. The menu is rather limited, but they offer different dinner options that allow you to try most things. We opted for the Tahitian Feast so that we could sample everything. If you go and order it, just remember that everyone at the table has to choose this option. Don't be fooled- this is an extreme amount of food. PILES OF FOOD. I was stuffed and we still had enough leftover for another dinner. Tip: go hungry.

A review of Polynesian Tiki Restaurant Omni Hut in Smyrna Tennessee

Bonus points: this place is BYOB. I was surprised that a tiki hut wouldn't have their own drinks. I was expecting glasses and bowls filled with Mai Tais, Singapore Slings and Blue Hawaiians. NOPE. But we stuck with the theme the best we could and got a giant sake bottle. Prefect combo.

As for the food, it was very hit or miss. Some things were delicious and others, not so much. The good thing about starting with a combo meal is that next time, I know exactly what I want to get. The Egg Flower Soup was delicious. Thick and warm, with more egg bits in it than most. It was served with saltine crackers which just confused me. Maybe it's because we're in the south, but I was expecting wonton noodles.

A review of Polynesian Tiki Restaurant Omni Hut in Smyrna Tennessee

The major hit or miss was on the Poo Poo Platter (it's ok to laugh). The ribs were a standout. Tender and fatty, just the way I like them. You can tell they were cooked for hours as the meat just fell off the bone. Next time, I will just order the rib dinner and call it a night. The crab rangoons were also tasty and fried perfectly. I was disappointed by the teriyaki stick. The meat was hard and rather flavorless. Also, the chicken liver in the rumaki was way overcooked. Liver is a hard sell, and even harder if it's cooked wrong. The rib tips were good and sticky. The wontons- neither here nor there. But the experience of eating of a huge plate with a fire in the center is second to none. Do it.

A review of Polynesian Tiki Restaurant Omni Hut in Smyrna Tennessee

The main courses that came next were shrimp fried rice, chicken chow mein and sweet and sour pork.  Once again, hit or miss. I haven't had chow mein in many many years and I was really liked it. Fried crispy noodles and soft chicken are a solid choice. The fried rice was on the fence and the sweet & sour just wasn't my thing. The sauce was way too thick and the meat pieces too small.

A review of Polynesian Tiki Restaurant Omni Hut in Smyrna Tennessee

Overall, go for the experience and the friendly staff. Bring some alcohol and order the ribs. Bring a large group of people- this restaurant seems designed for that. Also, Steve and I got the same fortune in our cookies! What are the chances? This has to mean something, right?

Omni Hut on Urbanspoon


  1. oh man, i want to go there so bad! i've even got a tiki dress picked out for when we make it out there.

  2. That's so cute! I wish there were more places like this.

  3. I love kitchy restaurants! Theses BYOB restaurants are popping up everywhere now, and I kinda like it. Although I can see bringing your own Mai tais presenting a challenge. New follower btw, and loving your blog!

  4. what a cool little place
