Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Wilson County Fair

This Sunday, after a lazy morning and a breakfast of French Baked Eggs, Steve and I decided to hit the road and headed to the Wilson County Fair. I think I have gone to this every year that I have lived in Nashville and I always enjoy myself there. It is such a trip. Personally, I'm not a big fan of rides or crazy food, but this fair has so many animal competitions and farm demonstrations that keep me busy all day.

I know my outfit isn't super stylish. But I'm not the type of person to wear fashion over function. It was hot, sunny and I knew we would be walking around a lot. This meant throwing on a simple light cotton dress, flat walking shoes, lots of sunscreen and a huge hat. This ain't the best outfit, but it worked for the day.

We hit up the antique car show, the dairy goat competition, miniature donkey competition, rabbit and fowl barn, the reconstructed pioneer village, a hypnotist show and an amateur cat competition. If I knew about the cat thing before hand, you know I would have brought my boys along. Maybe next year I will have a certified blue ribbon kitty.

Now here is a photo dump........
This van is very inappropriate. There was a bed inside.
This car matches my hat
My favorite color blue

I like posing with things. There will be a lot of pictures of me posing with things. Like cement cows.
Dairy goat competition
I did not win.
Random Camel
Patriotic miniature donkey parade
Miniature donkey competition
The midway and my rear
Walking Taco
First Place Turkey
This chicken has the sexiest legs I have ever seen.
Lunch of Pork Chop Sandwiches, fries, beans and coleslaw
I met a large snake!
So did Steve!
New donkey friend
Pigs are hard to catch...
...But chickens are really easy
Fancy pants show llama
Amateur cat show
Amateur Cat show

 If you live in Nashville, or within a few hours drive, I really recommend heading to the fair. There are tons of different events every day and it runs through August 25th.


  1. The sexy-leg chicken is HILARIOUS!! Hahahahahaha I can't stop laughing at it - I want one!!!!

    1. Go get one! Most of the chickens are for sale. Most are less than $20. Now that you have more space..... fill it with chickens!

  2. Oh my goodness I absolutely love fairs! They are just so fun. And that picture of you and the snake is amazing, I love it so much!

  3. oh my gosh! i LOVe the wilson county fair and this is the first year in forever that i haven't gone! i'm so sad! i must see the cat show next year!!
    i also loved the sexy chicken legs. hahah!

  4. I'm a little envious of your encounter with a donkey! In my dream life, I'm a farmer [that doesn't have to do too much back-breaking work, of course] with a slew of chickens, goats and 2 miniature Sicilian donkeys that are the best of friends. Looks like y'all had such a fun day!

  5. That was a big old snake. I like little snakes, but that one kinda freaks me out. You're brave! And your hat is fabulous.

  6. GIRL! Where did you get that dress! I looooove it and need to completely copy your outfit ASAP!

    1. My mom picked it up for me last year at a discount store in NY. The brand isn't anything I've ever heard of.

  7. Oh my gosh,that snake! AAAAHHH! Just kidding...sort of. ;) But seriously,the Wilson County Fair looks like a lot of fun - I think I've been to it once or twice. Have a great night!
