Monday, September 3, 2012

A garden of kittens.

This might be one of my favorite outfit shoots ever. Not because of the outfit was wonderful or that the day and the lighting were perfect. We had some rather unexpected visitors show up towards the end and I pretty much dropped everything and started flipping out over them. You would too, they are so stinking cute.

This is where the magic starts to happen. A sweet torti with a short tail just wandered into our pictures.  She was just the friendliest little thing and demanded pets. Of course, being the cat lady that I am I couldn't deprive our special sweetheart of some love and attention. Then her sister, an equally friendly back and white joined in the party. I had both hands filled with kittens. There isn't a better feeling in the entire world.

Dress: Modcloth
Hair clip: Present
Socks: Betsey Johnson
Shoes: Anthropologie

I hope you all had a really good weekend (and that you are still enjoying the holiday Monday).  I've been keeping myself really busy.  On Saturday I hit up the downtown art crawl with Lauren and then made a trip to the Brick Factory to check out Honeybean and finally meet Kaelah.  She is such sweetie in person and I had total jitters introducing myself.  I also got to sample the fine treats from the Tricycle Sweets Company, hear some good music, and see some art.

Today I went on a spontaneous trip to Chattanooga! I've never been there before but it made such a great day trip.  More on that later...


  1. That dress is so adorable! I love it. The kittens are so precious! I wish I lived closer so I could check out the Honeybean, very cool! :)

  2. Bahahaha! I would have TOTALLY done the SAME exact thing with those two precious kitties while my boyfriend would look at me with a face saying, "No, you can not keep them".

    1. Man, ever time I see a cat I really really want to keep it. If its up to me, we would have 20 or more. At least someone around me is sane :)

  3. Best photos ever! I love the little torti one oh!

    1. Thank you! My man Steve is the bomb photographer.

  4. Those shoes are amazing! And the kitties are too cute.

    1. Thanks! Those shoes were a major steal. I can usually catch the Anthro Accessory store's huge sales. Couldn't even thing of buying them any other way

  5. haha, i love the pictures with the kitties! i would be just as excited.

  6. Yay for torties! And holy wow, that garden is beautiful!

    1. It's down the street from Steve's place. That whole block is beautiful. It would nice to live in an area where people decorate with flowers instead of urine filled soda bottles.
