Monday, September 17, 2012

Chattanooga Polka Dots

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend. I have to say, I had one of the busiest yet. I love being hyper-scheduled so it felt right at home with me. On Friday, Steve and I enjoyed another restaurant week offering (you will hear about this for sure- totally tasty). Then we went down to the Exit/In to see Built to Spill. Those guys are still one of my favorites and put on an amazing show. Saturday we went to the Tennessee State Fair in the morning so I could enter the hula hoop competition. I lost to 5th graders but had a good time doing it. The fair itself was pretty lame compared to the Wilson County Fair. Later in the day we went to watch the Nashville Roller Girls in their final home bout of the season. It was a bittersweet affair, because the lovely Hildabeast is retiring. Good thing they went out with a bang and totally slammed the Quad Skate Terrors! Then we rushed on over to the 5 Spot to see a secret Wanda Jackson show! That lady is still the Queen of Rock 'n Roll at any age. She came out all big hair, red lips and fringe shirt and blew my mind. Sunday was less exciting, consisting of a 10 mile walk, some bridal crafting with a friend who is getting hitched next weekend and a huge elaborate dinner that I decided to make.

This is the outfit I wore on our day trip a few weeks ago to Chattanooga (there were some slight peeks of it here).  I spent a good chunk of the day in the car so I wanted to make sure I was wearing something really comfortable. I'm not really one to sacrifice comfort for fashion, ever. Most of these pieces are fairly old and are good standbys.

Dress: Forever 21 (from like, 10 years ago)
Tights: Forever 21
Shoes: Blowfish
Necklace: Super Old
Ring: H&M

What did you all do this weekend? 
xoxo Lauren


  1. I love your shoes and the ring :) So nice! See you, wanna follow each other? xoxo

  2. you're adorable. i love your hair, and glasses, and the dress. xx

  3. i love everything about this outfit! i'm so ready to wear some bright tights now that it's gettin chilly.

    i meant to get back to you way long ago, but you asked where i got that spastic cat rug i posted on my blog. i got it on sale a long time ago at urban outfitters.

    1. Oh man break out the tights! Don't wait any longer.

      Thanks for letting me know about that rug. I'm totally bummed that I never saw it. I would have picked it up in a second.

  4. lovely lady i absolutely adore this amazing colourful outfit! man would i love to raid your wardrobe! And thanks for the comment on my blog... cant wait to see what you do with the flamingo dress... great minds think alike i reckon!heehee!xx

  5. Great outfit! I love the color of your tights! Are the footless? or Stirrups? I loveeeee your glasses!

  6. Man, I don't know why but for some reason I keep missing your posts!
    That's so awesome that you were able to see the amazing Wanda Jackson! I've never seen her live before and that is something that seriously needs to happen before it's too late, I'm already so bummed that I never got to see Janis Martin :(

    1. She has a new album coming out soon. Maybe a tour?!

    2. Really! I seriously have no idea what's going on out there in the rest of the world half of the time :/ I need to start looking some stuff up :) Thanks for letting me know!

    3. Man I just checked out the tour schedule, and so far nothing about coming anywhere near the west coast :( it looks like it's all going to be closer to your neck of the woods

  7. I love this outfit. You are a seriously busy lady too! It seems like I find out about interesting stuff going on around here when it's too late!

    1. If you ever feel like coming up to Nashville, I'll be happy to provide you with a run down of events and be a tour guide!
