Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Farmer's Market #10

Veggie time! Notice that brown bag with the sticker? It's a warning sticker for the hot peppers that are inside. I think we got hot bananas and Anaheim peppers. We put some hot bananas on a grocery store pizza, and they were good, just not as hot as the warning label would lead you to believe.

I've already cooked up the okra and the nice eggplant. I'm  confused about that large oval yellow-ish squash. I'm not sure what it is nor do I have a good idea how to cook it. I was going to just cut it in half and bake it, but who knows. This is what happens when I don't get a chance to talk to the farmer as she is putting goodies in my basket.

With all those good looking little tomatoes, eggplant, and fresh veggies I sense a really nice homemade pizza coming my way!


  1. ooh - is the yellow squash spaghetti squash? if so, I split it in half [long-way] scoop out the seeds, then set it in a baking dish with about 1/4-1/2" of water, cut side down. Bake at 350 for 30-45 minutes [until the whole squash is soft] then scrape out the squash with a fork. Serve with herbs + butter or like spaghetti with marinara + cheese on top. yum!

    1. Thank you so much for the recommendation! I love spaghetti squash, but apparently not enough to recognize it on sight! I'll be cooking this up later this week for sure.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That all looks yummy! I agree with the suggestion above, cook the squash that way to yield delicious "Spaghetti Squash" effortlessly. I like mine with just some olivio or earth's balance (1-2 tablespoons), a pinch of salt, and lots of freshly cracked pepper. Simple, delicious, full of vitamins/flavor yet low calorie. Can't beat it :)

  4. I love spaghetti squash! I recommend serving it with sauteed onions, feta cheese, olive oil, salt and pepper. For some reason, I think feta cheese goes really well with it! Also, you can be lazy like me and just microwave your squash too. You cut it in half, spray the inside with a little oil to prevent it from getting dried out, and then nuke it for 6-8 minutes.

    1. I made this dish following a recipe and taking your advice. I found a recipe with feta. I'll post the results, but lady, you are right!

  5. Yummy! That looks like a good eggplant!

  6. I just came here to tell you it was spaghetti squash - looks like you have it covered! :)

    1. Ha! Thanks. I actually made something good with it. I'll share it soon. I'm definitely a fan.
