Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Farmer's Market #11

Oh what a great fall bounty we got last week. Thank you for all your comments about the spaghetti squash. We actually got another small one in this week's share and it was enough that I was finally able to try out a dish. I took your recommendations, found a basic recipe, and made my tummy happy. More on that later. Really, I would be lost without you helping to identify my food!

I was really excited to get kale again. I thought we might be done with that for the season but here it is, surprising me. The okra we got this week were huge and fat. Perfect for sautéing up in a pan. It kept its star shape nicely and didn't get all mushy. Those little peppers were ridiculously sweet and made a nice pizza topping. 

Right now I'm cooking up a butternut squash because I'm feeling ready for fall. What is your favorite fall food?

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