Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Farmer's Market 15

Do you see how colorful this basket is? This is what fall should look like. Orange, purple, greens and reds. And what a bonus- two squash this week! I've been seriously slacking on my cooking due to a few long weeks at work, but come this weekend I plan on cooking up a storm. Those potatoes are really starting to pile up- it's going to be one big potato party really soon.
This weekend Steve and I hit up the farmer's market and stocked up on pumpkins. We got a variety of tiny pumpkins and gourds to decorate the house (which the cats immediately starting using as toys), a pumpkin for cooking, and two for carving. I'm really hoping to make a pie out of that pumpkin this weekend.


  1. That is a pretty colorful group of veggies! Also, Hooray for Potato Party '12. That's probably gonna need some T-Shirts.

    ♥ Jana

  2. Uggggh, I wish we had a farmers market! I am totally drooling right now.
