Friday, October 26, 2012

Food Friday: Cafe Fundametal


Cafe Fundametal opened up not too long ago in my neck of the woods. Personally, I'm always crazy excited when a new restaurant opens in East Nashville. Proves that the neighborhood is growing and the economy is strong. EAST PRIDE. Located where the ill fated tax dodger Greek place used to be, across the street from the Family Wash, I pass this place at least 2 times a day. A French Patisserie in Nashville? I had to try.


While I've spent some time in Paris, I wouldn't consider myself an expert on the French coffee house lifestyle. But, the look of Cafe Fundtametal is quite similar to cafes at which I have eaten. A long bar stocked with cocktail basics lines the back wall. There are small tables dotted around the room. The large front windows bathe the whole place in bright light. Cafe Fundamental leans more modern in design than traditional cafes, and I think it fits right at home in Nashville.
Steve and I went one Saturday morning for brunch. I was excited when we were able to get a table right away. I get brunch rage when I find out it will take 45 minutes to an hour to get some eggs and coffee. The breakfast menu is small and to the point. Some pastries, some omelets. I like smaller menus because they make my decisions easier!
Being a french place, I started off by ordering a Cafe Au Lait and a mimosa. (I really thought I took a picture of the mimosa, but I guess said mimosa made me a tad bit forgetful). The coffee was good, but I was kind of bummed that it didn't come in the traditional soup bowl. Marche serves this in the bowl and their Cafe Au Lait remains my favorite in town.
I have a very big sweet tooth and I'm always aboard for desserts posing as breakfast items. I ordered the Croissant Pain Perdu. This is basically a bread pudding made with croissants with blueberries mixed in, covered in fresh cream and powdered sugar. While it was good, I felt that it was a little too dense for my liking. I wish it was softer and lighter, less like a gnocchi and more like a regular croissant.
I felt like Steve made the right choice. He went for the ham and cheese omelet made with Gruyere. This was so utterly delicious. The cheese was amazing: hot, melted, and stringy on the inside. The bits of ham added a nice saltiness to the cheese. The eggs themselves were cooked perfectly, remaining light but strong enough to hold together all their contents. AND THE FRIES! The french fries were the most delicious and addicting ones I have had in a while. I kept sneaking them off the plate while Steve wasn't looking. No matter what I order next time I go back, I will be sure to order a side of the fries. Bad for my arteries, good for the soul.

Overall, I really like the feel of Cafe Fundamental. I get what they are trying to do and I think they are on the right path. Our service was friendly and fast. CF is now open for dinner and I plan on checking that out soon. (They have duck breast with duck fat fried french fries- how can I resist?!)

Cafe Fundamental on Urbanspoon


  1. My goodness, that looks delicious! Wow!

  2. Ahhh this looks so good!! OMG. I almost always end up with a huge breakfast dilemma. To order sweet or savory? I like how you put it - desserts posing as breakfast items. My fave too! But then I love omelettes too... so I usually try to go to breakfast/brunch with someone who has similar taste or is not picky, so we can order one sweet, one savory, and split them! =D

  3. Those both look so yummy! I get excited when places have a quiche of the day. I haven't had a quiche I didn't like!

    1. I saw someone order it and it looked really good. I think that is what I'll get next time

  4. Looks awesome! I can't wait to go visit Nashville!

  5. That looks delicious. And I love fries so I would probably be really happy! xo
