Monday, October 22, 2012

Mermaid Dance Party

My weekend was very colorful. VERY colorful. I was able to see the lovely and amazing Latrice Royal perform on Thursday night. (More to come on that in a later post.) After seeing her and a bunch other fabulous Queens, I was feeling inspired. Why can't I wear wigs and dress up all fun in crazy outfits? There is no reason why I can't. So I was feeling Dragtastic on Friday night when I went to the QDP (Queer Dance Party) at the 5 spot. I put on my best mermaid hair and bright makeup and went out to dance and have a good time.
The QDP might be my favorite dance night that I have been to since living in Nashville. Everyone there is so friendly and complimentary. I danced with friends and complete strangers. I struck up random conversations at the bar. I got a million complements on my wig, which I didn't think would happen. I was afraid that people would make fun of me for wearing it, but I was very wrong. The blue hair was a hit! (Which is good for me, because I really want to wear the hair more often- it feels very me.) Also, my lovely and talented boyfriend Steve did the photobooth for the party and snapped these fine pictures of me! Check out the QDP facebook page to see the rest!
This did not end my weekend of color! On Sunday morning I hula-hooped The Color Run with some fine ladies. It was one of the happiest experiences of my life. (More on that to come as well- We took a TON of pictures).

Top: Modcloth
Skirt: Modcloth
Boots: Anthropologie Super Clearance
Bracelet: Betsey Johnson
Necklace: Macy's


  1. I love that you love color! You have great style <3


  2. too fun! love these pictures :)

    xo SideSmile,

    SideSmile Style

  3. Your outfit is just perfect. I love everything about it!

    1. Thank you. If only I had the guts to dye my hair like you...

  4. So awesome!! That wig is perfection.

    1. Thank you. I looked through a lot of eBay wigs before settling on this one.

  5. You look amazing! I am obsessing over the way you mixed your prints and your blue hair is to die for! I adore your blog...I'm your newest follower! xx

    Twenties Girl Style

    1. Welcome Ashley! So happy to have you along. I'm very good at throwing on things that don't go together and then convincing people that I knew what I was doing :)

  6. you look so cute! that hair really suits you!
    i'm still crying that I missed latrice! i can't believe i didn't see she was coming!!!

    1. I wish I knew that you liked Drag Race as much as me. But now that I know, I'll keep you abreast of all the drag queen news that comes my way- which is really little.

      If I do get Drag Race All Star on demand- do you want to come over and watch with me? We can make glitter crafts!

  7. Love the hair! I have a wig very similar to that and I get *so* many compliments on those rare occasions I wear it (usually from little old men).

    1. Little Old Men like your wig? I wonder what is up with that.

      I feel like I have to make a promise to myself that I will wear the wig out more often.

  8. You SHOULD wear it more often, it looks so perfect on you!

    1. Thank you :) I sense it will become a regular in outfit posts.

  9. *Love* the wig! The color looks amazing with your skin. Your outfit is stunning as well!

  10. omg, how funnn!!! i want a pretty colored wig like that! i really love it with your red skirt :)

    1. Thanks Chantilly! I believe that you could probably rock a brightly colored wig like no other. Especially with all your colorful clothes!
