Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Asheville: Lodging via Airbnb

When Steve and I first decided that we would be going to Asheville during our Thanksgiving vacation we went to Airbnb to find a place to stay. We have used Airbnb a few times in the past and our experience was always wonderful. We had great hosts, great houses and great locations. Because of all that good stuff and the affordable prices, we didn't even think about staying in a normal hotel. We found this lovely house with an open floor plan and bright colors. Everything about it was eclectic and beautiful. The house even came with a lovely long-nosed cat named Nicholas, as well as 4 chickens. Our host was kind and helpful and even provided us with a list of her favorite things to do in the city. Check out some lovely photos that Steve took!
 I love the color of the house!
 I can't get enough of Nicholas. He is so sweet. And such a handsome cat.
 Chickens are really hard to catch. We never got one :(
 Nicholas is the best nap buddy!


  1. cool! we've been talking about trying air bnb out! we found a place in detriot that has goats!

    1. Wow! I love goats! Steve stays at a place in Austin that also has goats. When are you going to Detroit?

  2. That house is amazing, even better with a cat and chickens included! Hope you had an amazing time xo

  3. Oh my goodness what a cool place! We are going to have to check out airbnb it is such a nifty idea!

  4. You guys were my sweetest guests ever!!! Nicholas misses you.

    1. You were such a lovely host Camille! And I miss Nicholas. He is such a good snuggler!

  5. Replies
    1. It is! She even has a swing in the kitchen. I was making tea and while I was waiting for the water to boil I played on the swing with the kitty!

  6. That looks like a blast! How neat!

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