Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Cool For Cats

Howdy folks! It's been a long time since I posted an outfit shoot. I'm going to get real for a moment: I've been going through a patch where I don't like how I look and I don't like any of my clothes. I'll try on a bunch of outfits, but nothing seems to look right. Things that I loved a month ago just don't do anything for me anymore. I don't know how or why I'm in this slump, but I really wish it would end.
Lucky for me Steve knows what is best for me when I can't see it. He basically demanded that I put on an outfit and we go take some pictures. I wasn't one to argue, since he is usually correct in these situations, so we took these at a local airpark. I can't say that I was really into the shoot or that I really love how I look in these pictures, but taking them is the first step to getting back on the horse.
So for all you other bloggers out there: did this ever happen to you? Did you just lose your "umph" for taking pictures? If you did and you got over it- HOW DID YOU DO IT?! Maybe I'm just meant to be a food writer and y'all are just sick of looking at my face? Who knows. But advice is welcome.
This sweater has been my favorite thing since I picked it up on super discount this summer while in New York. I have a tendency to buy clothes off-season and jump the gun with wearing them- hence why I was sporting this baby in August. It's from Wildfox and it might be the softest, most comfortable piece I own. Wearing it is like getting hugged by a big pillow. Plus how can you say no to a slick looking cheetah wearing sunglasses? YOU CAN'T.
Sweater: Wildfox via Saks off 5th
Tights: Romwe


  1. omg, I'm obsessed with that sweater. And I get in those slumps all the time! It helps to have someone to push you, or to send a mirror selfie to a friend to have them assure you that you do indeed look awesome.

    1. Thanks Annie~ It was a splurge but has proven to be totally worth it. Haha- I don't know if I can do the mirror selfie thing- but I can certainly ask someone in person!

  2. I think you do great as a fashion blogger and I'm always excited and interested in what you put together (you're a fashion blogger who also happens to kick ass writing about food cats and other cool stuff). I don't know if I could ever do regular outfit posts because I get sick of looking at me and would inevitably think I look awkward and wonder why I don't look cool like every other fashion blogger out there. I think I'm my own worst critic. I do however think that posting selfie pics or outfit pics is actually kinda therapeutic in a way to one's self esteem, so go figure. It's a total catch 22. Anyway- What I am trying to not eloquently say is I am glad you are back. Listen to Steve. He is a wise dude.

    1. Thank you Kimmie. I don't know how often I'll get dressed up and take photos, but if Steve forces me, I'll listen :)

  3. Love the outfit and the last photo is fantastic. I am glad I just found your blog! (Your glasses are fantastic!)

    Chrissy of

  4. I really love these photos! Those tights are awesome.

    I'm going through this right now. Just not feeling it. Take a break from it and once it starts feeling too long of a break, force yourself! Make it a goal to get xx amount done each month or get Steve to force you :o) Try a new hairstyle, makeup, accessories, etc. Any combination you haven't thought about doing!!

    If that doesn't work, then you probably need a little shopping spree for some new goodies ;)

  5. I have missed your outfit posts- your have such great style and great photos! But sometimes we just need to take a break from things we aren't feeling, especially if they are just for fun like outfit pics. You are a great food writer too and I always wish I could try the places. Next time I'm in Nashville visiting my bro in law I'm bringing a list from your blog! :)

    1. Next time you are in Nashville you better let me know so we can hang out!

  6. love love love this outfit! If only had the "kitties" to pull it off :)

  7. Just found your blog and I LOVE it! Your outfit is amazing especially the colors and those tights are just glorious!

  8. I'm having this exact problem at the moment, it's a combination of things causing it but basically I haven't even been able to think about taking photos of myself. I wish I could give you advice, but you seem to be dealing with it better than me :) Maybe just jumping in is the trick. I totally love this outfit, that jumper is amazing and your lipstick is the most beautiful deep colour. You look fantastic xo
