Friday, August 10, 2012

Food Friday: Mas Tacos

If you are local, you know. If you aren't, you probably heard about this little taco joint. Mas Tacos Por Favor has been in almost every article on Nashville I've read in the past two years. Why? Because it's amazing and should be a stop for anybody on a food journey in this city. This eatery started as a food truck, possibly one of the first in Nashville before the food truck craze hit. I followed that truck on Facebook and was always happy when it was parked in five points on a late night. Fast forward a few years later and the taco shop has a brick and mortar. Located in East Nashville across the street from the Pharmacy, Mas Tacos (when open) is always busy and delicious.

I have what I call "taco cravings." Usually Steve and I are out running errands on Saturdays. I'll look down at my watch, realize its 2:30 and that we still have 30 minutes to get our butt to Mas Tacos before they close. Steve has never said no to my impromptu desire for Mexican food.

The shop is tiny but wonderfully decorated. Little souvenirs tell of trips to Mexico. The chalkboard wall posts the days specials. Food changes quite often here, so check out Facebook or Twitter to see what is on the menu.

We started out by trying the pineapple and cilantro agua fresca. I've had my fair share of watermelon agua fresca, but never anything like this. It was sweet and had that nice cilantro kick. Perfect for a hot summer day. I have a feeling I'll be trying to make this into a Popsicle sometime soon.

Mas Tacos' pulled pork taco is possibly the best taco I have ever had. Ever. I guess other people find this to be true because they were sold out by the time we got there. That's what we get for getting there right before closing. Even though I didn't have one this trip, you should order it if it's on the menu. Instead I ordered a sweet potato & quinoa and the spicy carne. Although I'm not a vegetarian, I like that Mas Tacos usually has two veggie tacos on the menu. (The fried avocado taco is also pretty darn good). It was all tasty, and the carne was spicy! It had me chugging down my agua fresca.

For dessert we had the fried plantains with sweet cream. If it was socially acceptable, I would eat about a pound of this and call it dinner. Their plantains were perfectly soft on the inside while having the crisp sweet edges. Cover it in cream and I'm in heaven.

Also to note, the backyard is open in the summer for your eating enjoyment. And the taco truck still makes the rounds, although it appears that they are less frequent than in the old days. One day, I hope to have a party that is catered by the Mas Tacos truck. That way I can eat my weight in fried plantains without judgement.
Mas Tacos Por Favor on Urbanspoon


  1. YUMMY. This sounds so good. I can't wait to move up there in the future. Nashville is miles ahead of Birmingham in the cool stuff department.

  2. Yum! I feel like everyday is craving Mexican day in our household! My mouth is watering with envy right now.....and can't wait for lunch for TACOS!

  3. Oh this post looks so delicious <333 it makes me hungry ^_^
    would you like to follow each other?
