Monday, August 13, 2012

Tomato Festival Attire

This Saturday was one of my favorite events of the year, The East Nashville Tomato Art Fest. It is a festival that celebrates the tomato, but it's mostly about us East Nashvillians showing a lot of neighborhood love. In the morning I ran the Tomato Fest 5k. It was my second time running this race and I had a blast. So many great people were cheering and enjoying the beautiful morning weather. After the race I took a shower and had breakfast and headed back down to five points for some festival action.

The weather is usually hot at the Tomato Festival, but this year it wasn't so oppressive. 85 is a lot better than 102. But I still wanted to wear something comfortable because I knew I would be sweating. I opted for this light cotton dress that breathes really well. I got this hat a few weeks ago while my parents were in town visiting and I was waiting for the perfect time to wear it. I think Tomato Fest was the right decision as it kept me cool and prevented me from getting burned.

Dress: Modcloth
Hat: Saks
Belt: Century 21 (old)
Necklace: Target
Shoes: Blowfish
Bag: Vera Bradely
Glasses: No idea


  1. You are the cutest! I adore this outfit. It looks like such fun! And that hat! WOW!!

    1. Oh thank you! I do love this hat. More women should wear crazy hat. D

  2. I'm bummed I had to miss the Tomato Fest... at least I got all moved though haha. Oh well, there's always next year.

    Also, that hat is amazinggggg, forreal.

  3. Replies
    1. Um no. You are super cute. I love your everything. SO THERE.
