Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Farmer's Market #16

The hits just keep on coming! We were bombarded with a lovely CSA this week. It was bigger than the past few weeks. I guess the good weather is good for my stomach! I now have an overabundance of green beans. I tend to just cut them up and cook them in a fry pan with a little bit of olive oil, salt and pepper. Boring, I know. But very easy. If any of you out there in webland have recommendations on more creative ways to cook green beans I would love them.
I was very excited for this big bunch of kale. I feel like I have been on a kale kick lately. If I see it on a restaurant menu, I'm going to order it. After having the lovely Marrakesh Express salad at the Stone Fox, I decided to try something similar. I cooked quinoa with carrots, sweet potatoes, celery and raisins. It all tasted good, but I have a quinoa problem. It always comes out mushy like oatmeal instead of retaining the individual grains. (I also have this problem sometimes when I cook rice. I really think it's me). Besides the mush, the taste was spot on. I put a little sriracha on top and-bravo! A fake Marrakesh Express salad.


  1. When we make green beans it's together with potatoes and boiled eggs and a 'sweet milksauce' but I have no idea how to make this (my mother cooks... :p) so you probably don't know much by this explanation :p It is delicious though... I have no idea if that 'sauce' is even a real thing because I don't know the real name for it or a translation...

    1. Can you get the recipe from your mom? I've never had anything that would be described as "sweet milk sauce"

  2. That looks like a lovely bunch of kale. I usually just steam my green beans, so I'm more boring than you on that!

    1. I don't think steaming is any more boring than dumping them in a fry pan.

      This kale was probs the best of the season.

  3. Looks lovely! I hope to visit a farmer's market again soon, been too long;)

  4. Yuuuum! That's enough for a feast!

    It almost looks like you took these pictures inside some sort of awesome, adult moonbounce. Which would be pretty sweet.

    1. That awesome adult moonbounce is my kitchen! We did it up to look like a 1950s diner. I have vinyl seats!
