Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Little Back Bag #2

A new month means another chance to try Little Black Bag. I wrote my review last month and I was pretty happy with what I ended up getting. I loved my Nila Anthony bag that I wore in the outfit post yesterday. I've been using it all the time, and now I'm a real fan! So I decided that my frist pick for my next LBB would be another Nila Anthony Bag.

Let me just say I'm very happy with my first pick. I wanted a bag that I could take to the office, but also use on a night out. Most of my purses tend to be "too fun" and lacking in business casual. I think this bag meets me in the middle.


I was very disappointed witht the other two objects that LBB picked for me. I filled out their "style profile" and I have no idea how they got WHITE BORING EARRINGS from it. Ung. I really dislike these earrings and I guess a lot of other people did too, becasue no one wanted to trade them. How can I blame them?

And purple nail polish that they claimed was $15? Really? I have never spent $15 on nail polish and never will. I'm really starting to doubt the "bargains" that LBB says they offer, considering I have found Nila Anthony Bags on the internet for VERY cheap (even some of the same bags you can get from LBB). I guess you will have to tune in to see what I ended up with after trading (which was unsuccessful).

***On a brighter note, I won a giveaway from Blissoma on Bubby and Bean and my prize package arrived last night. I'm so excited to try out the creams and cleansers and let you know what I think!****