Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Color Run

Some of you know that I'm kind of a crazy person. Well crazy in the effect that I hula-hoop half marathons. You can read about that more here. When I heard that The Color Run was finally making it's way to Nashville I registered immediately and so did a lot of my fabulous hoop buddies. After some talk, we decided we were going to hoop The Color Run and have a blast doing it. On Saturday afternoon I met up with my amazing buddy Jen and we made hoops specifically for The Color Run. Glitter tape and white gaffer to soak up all the color! Just look at the happy faces of this amazing group of people! We even had two cute little Munchkins, Henrietta and Sam, along with us. Looking at them in the color was pure joy. A special thanks goes out to my boyfriend Steve who walked along the course with us the whole time snapping pictures!
 Sunny and I warm up with some hoop tricks
 The first color is YELLOW!
 The Yellow station was downtown in between large buildings. I kept the color really concentrated.
 There were a lot of Tutus
 Post-yellow Happy
 We all came out of Orange looking like a Cheeto
 Team photo after Yellow, Orange, Pink and Blue... but before the grand finale!
 Dear Hailey looked a little bit like a Smurf. I look like I had a bad spray tan.
 Finale party! I had a bag of teal to throw!
 Purple Carnage!
 Teal really worked on my hand
 Party time!
 The Hula Hoop team celebrating by throwing more color!
Colorful Friends! Never mind our teeth. Color stuff gets EVERYWHERE.


  1. Such a good idea! I did the color run but didn't hoop it... maybe next year :)

    1. Yes! I had the best time hula hooping it. Other runners didn't understand us and some meanies even knocked our hoops down on purpose. Silly people. This race is all about fun!

  2. That looks like so much fun!!!
    They just had one in Virginia last month but I missed it. Looks like I'll be doing it next year!

    1. You should. I really want them to come back to Nashville next year so I can make it a tradition!

  3. This looks like a freaking blast!

  4. I absolutely love that you guys did it with hula-hoops! What a great way to make the color run look even more fun!

    1. It was so great! The other runners and the crowd couldn't believe that we were doing it for 3 miles. When we told them we normally hoop half marathons their jaw dropped!

  5. I've always wanted to do this!

    xo Jennifer

  6. that looks so fun. that is a race that i might actually do.

    1. Please do it with me next year! I'll make you a hoop :)

  7. This is amazing!! Looks so fun!!xxx

  8. This looks so cool! I think I might be too OCD to actually participate... but maybe someday I'll get over it and join one of these! I do love colors, after all. =D

    1. If you aren't a big fan of getting very dirty, this won't be the best race for you :)

  9. That looks like so much fun! Yet another reason I want to move to Nashville. They never do stuff like this in Birmingham!

    1. What?! I feel like the color run is going to so many cities now. Maybe they will come to you soon. How far is it from B'ham to Nashville?

  10. Fantastic! And hoola hooping as well! :D
