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Monday, April 29, 2013

Flower Garden Gal

Oh Monday how you sneak up on me every week. I had a great weekend and I didn't want it to end! On Saturday I ran the Rock N' Roll Country Music 1/2 Marathon and finished it in 2:24, faster than my goal of 2:30. While this isn't fast, I'm very pumped about it. I'm coming to terms that running needs to be about personal goals rather than being faster than your friends. Growing up I was an indoor child so I'm pretty excited that I do any physical activity at all. I feel that I've totally caught the running bug and am planning to run two half-marathons in the fall. For the summer I'll probably stick to a few 5 and 10ks since it's so hot.
The race day weather was a bummer. It rained the whole time and I was soaked before I even crossed the start line. My shoes felt like they weighed 20 pounds but I couldn't complain. There were 30,000 other people just as crazy as I am doing the same thing. But honestly I was most impressed by the people who decided to come out in the pouring rain and cheer for strangers. The spectators this year were absolutely amazing! I would like to thank everyone that came out to watch. I would also like to thank all of the police officers who stood out there getting soaked in order to keep us safe. I know security was a big concern after the tragic events of Boston, but I felt safe and the whole environment was very positive.
Steve was so amazing. He got up with me at 5:30am and took me down to the start line. Then he waited in the rain to cheer me on at mile 8 and then he showed up at the finish. He was trying so hard to take pictures, but I think the rain and the crowds had other ideas. He even pulled the number one best boyfriend move ever: got me a massage after the race. That might be the most considerate present ever. I spent the rest of the weekend recovering and even got a pedicure courtesy of my awesome & supportive parents on Sunday. And somehow I also made time to go see the Protomen's 10th anniversary concert on Saturday night with Steve.
This is the outfit I wore on our trip to Cheekwood Botanical Garden last weekend. It's a remix of the jumper from this shoot last year. If I look a little chubby up top, its because of all the ruffles underneath my sweater. Ruffles sure do add volume! I'm still totally in love with this jumper from Lalamagic and I keep trying to mix it up so it doesn't look 100% the same. I figured this white sweater was a good addition. (I think I've had this sweater since high school.)
Jumper: Lalamagic
Sweater: Hella OLD
Scarf: Gradma's
Shoes: Blowfish
Earrings: Betsey Johnson

Friday, April 26, 2013

Nashville Food Friday: Red Bicycle Coffee and Crepes

Red Bicycle Coffee and Crepes in Nashville Tennessee
Breakfast is probably my favorite meal. If I could have breakfast for dinner every night of the week, I just might. When I heard that there was a new crepe place in Germantown that served savory and sweet crepes, I knew I had to try it. Steve, Rebecca and I went one Saturday morning after we finished the Purity Diary Dash 10K. I was hungry and ready to eat some breakfast!
Red Bicycle Coffee and Crepes in Nashville Tennessee
Red Bicycle Coffee and Crepes in Nashville Tennessee
The restaurant itself is really cute. It's located in what once was The Cocoa Tree (R.I.P.) and I was pretty amazed at how open the place felt. The Cocoa Tree was tight with limited seating, but Red Bicycle is open and has lots of places to park your tush. It has a calm, laid back coffee house feel. I dig it.
Red Bicycle Coffee and Crepes in Nashville Tennessee
Steve and I decided to treat ourselves and get some fancy coffee drinks. Steve got the Nutty Latte which was made with mocha, almond and hazelnut. I had the Macaroon with almond milk which had white chocolate, hazelnut and coconut. While both were good, the Macaroon was the standout. It was so sweet and delicious- definitely not an every day drink.
Red Bicycle Coffee and Crepes in Nashville Tennessee
I'm going to be brutally honest, our food took FOREVER. The Red Bicycle wasn't packed and it looked like they had a good amount of people in the kitchen. But man, were they SLOW. I think it took us around 45 minutes to get our crepes. Now, if anyone has ever been to Paris and ordered a crepe on the street it takes about 3 minutes. They do it right in front of you- BOOM BOOM. Just like that. I even had to go up to the counter to ask on our order, afraid they forgot about us. I was starving post-race and was getting HANGRY. But we weren't the only people whose food took a long time. A guy behind us ordered one crepe to go. He sat there twiddling his fingers, playing on his cell phone and giving the staff nasty looks. He had to go ask on his food as well- and when he finally got it he stormed out of the place shaking his head. I really think that the Red Bicycle needs to work on their kitchen efficiency.
Red Bicycle Coffee and Crepes in Nashville Tennessee
Rebecca ordered the Hamilton which contained chicken, cheese, tomatoes, bacon and ranch dressing. Rebecca doesn't really like ranch, so she asked for them to put it on very lightly. Unfortunately, I don't think they paid attention because when I took a bite it was smothered in ranch. Steve and both I thought it was good, but it wasn't what my friend ordered.
Red Bicycle Coffee and Crepes in Nashville Tennessee
Steve ordered the mexi-crepe which had chorizo, cheese, and some other all around Mexican goodness. This was quite good and Steve really liked it. I love the combination of sour cream and salsa dripped on top- is that not beautiful? This one was probably my favorite of the three I tried.
Red Bicycle Coffee and Crepes in Nashville Tennessee
I ordered the Florantine and added bacon. It had eggs, cheese mushrooms and spinach. My crepe was huge and packed to the brim. I honestly think it could have fed at least 2 people. My only issue was that the eggs were cooked too long for my liking. They were pretty firm, while I like mine softer. But let's talk about the crepe batter itself for a second. It was amazing! When I could no longer eat any more eggs I picked my crepe apart and just ate the batter. SO GOOD.
Red Bicycle Coffee and Crepes in Nashville Tennessee
Overall, the food at Red Bicycle is really good but the wait was just too darn long. AIN'T NO ONE GOT TIME FOR THAT. Plus, right now they have a really good deal on Scout Mob for $4 off your order, so it's a good time to go and try something new. I really want to go back and try their sweet crepes (BANANA NUTELLA FOR THE WIN) but I'll be sure to go when I'm not hungry and have a decent amount of free time. 


2/20/2014: Steve and I went back to the Red Bicycle and had a great time. They fixed their service issues and our food came out really quick. I had the banana, Nutella and walnut crepe and it was DELICIOUS. I'll be coming back for sure!

Red Bicycle Coffee & Crêpes on Urbanspoon

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

So I guess I love sewing now... (A Fabric Round Up)

If you couldn't tell, I'm really into sewing now. I'm still pretty terrible at it but I absolutely love doing it! After work I run, shower, eat dinner and then move to my craft room for an hour. If I can get a full hour in to work on my sewing, I'm ecstatic (Most of that hour is usually unpicking seams that I sewed wrong- oops!) Because of my new found love I'm constantly trolling for awesome fabric. Here are some of my most recent favorites.
African Wax Prints Sewing Fabrics Sold By Yard (pagne)
Lately I've been obsessed with African Fabrics. I absolutely love the wax print variety, and love the color of this print. Can you just imagine a maxi dress in this? TO DIE FOR.
CATS ALLOVER Fabric New 100% Cotton Quilting Sewing Cat KITTY Kitten
Of course CATS! I love this print and I think it would be perfect for a tote bag! Or, maybe a bowtie to be worn by one of my cats.
Spicy Chicken Wings Novelty
Yes that is buffalo chicken wing fabric and yes, I love this. I actually have big plans for this print in the future. (and it is not an apron...).
I'm totally bummed because I wanted to by this print so bad but it's out of stock. I'm tempted to stalk the internet to find this pattern somewhere else. It's SO PERFECT for me. It has SPACE CATS. Are any of you internet sleuths able to take on this challenge? It's a Michael Miller if that helps.
TIMBER & LEAF - Playful Fox in Blue - Sarah Watts for Blend Fabrics - 1 Yard
This fox fabric is just lovely. I love the mix of pastels. This would make an adorable bubble skirt!

This is a lot of inspiration. I guess I have to get moving.....

Monday, April 22, 2013

Ahoy! (I made this skirt)

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a nice weekend and got to enjoy this lovely weather. This weekend was pretty much perfect. Nice, but not too hot and there are no bugs out yet. I like spring/summer up until the mosquitoes start popping out and biting me all over. I'm a magnet for them. I can be outside with a bunch of friends and I'll be the only person to get bitten. Means I'm made of sugar, right?
On Saturday I had my last long run before the half marathon next week. We ran 8 miles of the actual course and I'm feeling really good for race day. After running I met up with some of my favorite ladies for a craft-sewing-extravaganza (Lladybird Lauren, Jen, Jenna, Sarah and Aubrey). I'm working on my first ever dress (SQUEE!). I also made my first ever muslin Friday night and I was super giddy. I feel like I'm learning so much- but it's mostly because Lladybird Lauren is an amazing friend and talented teacher. She is my sewing zen master. On Sunday Steve and I headed to Cheekwood botanical garden for a much needed day of quality time. It was possibly the best day ever.
SO HOW ABOUT THIS SKIRT?! It's the Miette skirt from Tilly and the Buttons. I First saw this skirt when Lladybird Lauren showed up for lunch wearing her version. When she told me that I COULD MAKE IT myself I downloaded the pattern and got to planning. This is an excellent beginner skirt because you don't have to fiddle with zippers or buttons. Plus, it is the best type of wrap skirt, one with a back flap, so there is no chance of accidental flashing. I highly recommend this pattern (and Tilly's blog overall) for someone who wants to start sewing garments. I mean, I'm a beginner and I think mine came out pretty fancy.
I opted to go with a nautical theme for this skirt. I had this really pretty blue cotton and one yard of this little red, white, and blue anchor pattern. I decided to make the pockets with the fun loud pattern to give the skirt some pizazz. (Do people even say pizazz anymore?) The whole thing took me about a week (on & off) to finish. I'm pretty sure I could have knocked it out in one afternoon if I had a nice block of time.
Did you know there is a fake seaside dock in Nashville? Apparently up in Metrocenter there is! Steve found it while he was wandering around during my race last weekend. A perfect spot for some maritime pictures. But this place can't even touch any of the beaches back home on Long Island.
 Skirt: Made By Me/Miette pattern
Top: Forever 21
Shoes: Old Brown Boots
Necklace: Bestsey Johnson
Scarf: Grandma's

Friday, April 19, 2013

Nashville Food Friday: El Jalicience

El Jaicience Mexican restaurant in Nashville Tennessee
I have overlooked El Jalicience for years. I pass it multiple times per week, as it's on Gallatin Road, but just passed it off as another Mexican market that served some food. It's proximity to the local Radio Shack and train tracks weren't helping. My friends Lauren and Matt told me that they love this place, they eat there at least once a week, and you can't beat the prices. Well, the secret is now out and I deem El Jaliciense as the jam for Mexican food outside of Nolensville Road.
El Jaicience Mexican restaurant in Nashville Tennessee
Steve, Leah and I went on a random weeknight and the place was fairly busy. There was one waitress and she was doing the best she could. There was also a fair amount of take-out orders picked up while we were there. While the decor is nothing fancy and the tables and chairs are pretty standard, the place is filled with bright colors, murals and a little bit of kitsch.
El Jaicience Mexican restaurant in Nashville Tennessee
This lady was looking at me the whole time. How cute is she?
Guacamole at El Jaicience Mexican restaurant in Nashville Tennessee
When I told my buddy Lauren that we were finally going to try out El Jalicience she told me that I had to get their guacamole. AND OH MY GOD BEST GUACAMOLE EVER. It was basically a bunch of avocados that were smashed up with a bit with cilantro, lime and tomatoes; it was clearly made fresh when we ordered it. Plus, it was only about $3.50.
Drinks at El Jaicience Mexican restaurant in Nashville Tennessee
Leah ordered a Michelada and let me have a sip. This might've been my first ever Michelada and I really liked it. It reminded me of a bloody mary- which I loved. I have a feeling this might be my new go-to summer drink.
Tacos at El Jaicience Mexican restaurant in Nashville Tennessee
For dinner I ordered an assortment of tacos: tripe, tongue, and barbacoa. The tongue taco might be my favorite tongue taco I've had in Nashville. The meat was cut in large chunks, it was super tender and the flavor was amazing. The tripe and the barbacoa were solid choices. Plus, at about $1.50 a taco, you can't go wrong.
Tacos at El Jaicience Mexican restaurant in Nashville Tennessee
See that massive thing on the left? That is the chicken burrito Steve ordered. The waitress was really confused when he ordered two tacos and a burrito. She tried to tell him that the burrito was HUGE and that was a lot of food. Steve said he was hungry and stuck with his original order. When the burrito arrived it was bigger than we imagined and covered with sour cream, pico and avocado. While Steve said the burrito itself was just standard, it was a tasty filling meal for less than $5. Steve highly recommends their chorizo taco, but Steve will always recommend anything that has chorizo in it. ;-)
El Jaicience Mexican restaurant in Nashville Tennessee
The market part of El Jalicience is really small; basically one aisle of products. But if you are in need of some fresh queso or some jarritos, this can be your place.

Overall, I really liked El Jalicience. The food was super tasty and it was a great value. The staff was friendly and attentive and the place just has a really comfortable vibe. I'm happy to know I don't have to go all the way across town the next time I want a tongue taco.
El Jaliciense on Urbanspoon

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Cat makes out with a vacuum

I don't know about you, but I can sure use a cute cat video right now. Why are there so many good cat videos from Russia these days?!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston, You're My Home


I spent a good chunk of my adolescence in Boston. I went to college there and lived there for a year after. The city was historic, cold, and grumpy and I loved it dearly. I loved my Porter Square neighborhood despite the fact that I was miles away from a supermarket and I didn't have a car. I even loved the way people would put lawn chairs in the parking spaces they dug out from a blizzard. Yesterday's tragic events at the most historic marathon hit me hard. This was my city- I know Copley Square so well, I even worked in one of the buildings along the race route. This was also my sport- I'm a runner. I'm not elite and I've never run anything longer than a half-marathon, but still, these are my people.
I'll be running the Music City Half-Marathon in two weeks. Yesterday I was supposed to go on a training run with my friend, but I just couldn't do it. My heart wasn't in it and lacing up my shoes felt strange. I opted to go home and watch the news instead. But much like the city of Boston itself, I need to be surly and resilient. I need to put on my shoes and go running. Every runner needs to get out there and run with Boston in their hearts. Run with all the innocent spectators and participants in their minds, taking them along with you at every step.
Adam, Me, Matt and Rachel- Senior year of college cruise along the Charles River

Boston, I love you. You gave me the best college experience and the best friends a girl could ask for. Buzzfeed has a really good list of reasons why you should love Boston. I highly recommend reading it. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Channeling Joan Harris (née Holloway)

Happy Monday y'all! I don't know about you, but I am so happy spring has finally sprung. I was able to wear skirts all weekend long, with no tights. I love this time of year! Friday night was fairly lazy, but I was able to finish up my 3rd skirt. I'm very proud of this one! Expect pictures soon.
On Saturday morning I ran the Moosic City Dairy Dash 10k. I was doing it in preparation for the half-marathon I'll be running in two weeks (EEP! SO NOT READY). I was very proud of myself on this one. I was certainly no where near the fastest person on the course, but I was happy with my time. I'm concentrating really hard on just running for me. This race was a real confidence booster. I'm just worried if it's a little deceptive because this course was really flat, and the half-marathon course is anything but. I guess I need to get some major hill training in this week. After the race Steve and I stopped by the farmer's market and picked up a bunch of starter plants and then worked on our garden. We turned over both beds and planted one. That was a very successful afternoon! On Sunday we spent the day shooting engagement photos for my friends Lauren and Matt. They are so hilarious and their pictures turned out amazing. If you are in need of some kick ass photos, Steve is always available!
Now for this outfit; it was something I wore to work last week! I feel like I was channeling Joan Harris in this look (or perhaps a filthy librarian). I won this dress in a Shabby Apple giveaway (I'm not sure as to which blog, as I feel I've entered hundreds of these). This dress is great for work since it's fairly tame. I like the fabric of the dress and love the fact that it's fully lined. The one thing I am not a big fan of is how BOXY it is in the middle. I have a shape, you just can't see it. Also, the pockets stick out so I'm pretty sure I will have to sew them down so they stop curling outward.
 Perhaps I need bigger boobs for this dress? I don't really fill it out...
Oh, and the Cherry Blossoms were in full effect in Tennessee last week. I love how they make everything so pretty. We had one day of REALLY strong rain and all the petals are now gone. It's sad how quickly they disappear. Bummer city.
 Dress: Shabby Apple
Necklace: Betsey Johnson
Shoes: Anthropolgie

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