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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The BombPom and a Giveaway

Thank you for all the support and advice I have gotten already regarding my new Etsy shop, The BombPom. Today I just want to share some photos of some of the goodies available in the shop. (More goodies will be arriving shortly, I promise!)

Now that you see what I make, I want to offer a giveaway for one lucky reader to win a custom two-pom barrette and earrings as featured below. I'm happy to make them in any colors you want!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And the winner of the Those Bow Times giveaway is Alice, Pretty Confused! Please email me to claim your prize!


  1. Amazing!! I LOVE the earrings!!

    1. Thank you! I totally thought of that over breakfast last weekend. Pumpkin pancakes are inspiring!

  2. Gah! You are so damn cute!! I love that you found inspiration and that you are crafting! I bet this is so much fun! Happy for you, dear!

    1. Thank you lady! It's nice to finally put my stuff out there!

  3. Love that second one, it's just so girly. So excited about winning too, already emailed you xo

  4. Eeeek I love these!! I hope I win. The 5th one is my absolute fav!!

    1. Oh yeah! I'm so happy you like it. I'm totally not surprised that you like the pastel crown. It is VERY you!


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